KLM オランダ航空 デルフト ブルーハウス No.73

¥1,800 (税込)
メンバーポイント 18 P 付与
在庫 購入
売切れ× お問合せ

Tag :
Cate: No.61 - No.80 / Regular model / 商品



KLM オランダ航空 Delft Blue House No.73のモデルになった家の詳細情報

De Posthoorn (The Post Horn)
Dijk 11, Alkmaar

As mentioned before, Alkmaar is famous for cheese. The weighing of cheese was being done there as early as 1365.
During the summer months, the city has a weekly cheese market where traditionally dressed cheese porters still weigh and sell the cheeses. This house, which was built around 1575, has a stepped gable and was used primarily as an inn for cheese porters. The name of the house is indicated in the form of a post horn found in the transom window.