KLM オランダ航空 デルフト ブルーハウス No.94

¥4,000 (税込)
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Tag :
Cate: No.81 - No.97 / Regular model / 商品


KLM オランダ航空 Delft Blue House No.94のモデルになった家の詳細情報

De Oudheidkamer
Den Burg (Texel)

The village of Den Burg is located in the middle of the Island of Texel. During the sixteenth century, the village was encircled by a wall and a canal. Just a little beyond the canal was a hostel that was built in 1599.
Written above the door of the hostel is the saying: For those who ignore the cries of the poor, God will have no mercy”. A direct reference to the building’s purpose. As evening approached, strangers to the village who had no other place to sleep could make their way to this spot outside the city gate where they would be accommodated in the hostel. Every visitor was allowed to spend three nights in the house where they could sleep in the upper storey and eat in the vestibule. The house was managed by the hostel keeper who lived there with his family. After Den Burg grew and there was no longer any need for a hostel, various families on the island lived in the house. The house was inhabited until sixty years ago. After its restoration under the supervision of C.W. Rooyaards, an architect in Bergen, the house received its current facade inspired by a Gothic stepped gable. The house then became a local history museum: De Oudheidkamer. The museum”s collection is the result of donations and loans of objects made by the people of Texel. Behind the house is the smallest public herbal garden in the Netherlands.