KLM オランダ航空 デルフト ブルーハウス No.06

¥1,800 (税込)
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Tag :
Cate: No.01 - No.20 / Regular model / 商品


KLM オランダ航空 Delft Blue House No.06のモデルになった家の詳細情報

Het Houten Huis (The Wooden House)
Begijnhof 34, Amsterdam

The story goes that there are only two wooden houses left in Amsterdam: Zeedijk 1 built around 1560, and Begijnhof 34 built around 1475.
Actually, the wood in the latter is limited to a timber frame and a rare plain triangular gable. Research, however, shows that many more wooden houses that were built in Amsterdam between 1230 and 1550 still survive. The Wooden House is now used as a church centre.