KLM オランダ航空 デルフト ブルーハウス No.18

¥1,800 (税込)
メンバーポイント 18 P 付与
在庫 購入
入荷待ち× お問合せ

Tag :
Cate: No.01 - No.20 / Regular model / 商品


KLM オランダ航空 Delft Blue House No.18のモデルになった家の詳細情報

Klein Fresenburg
Oude Gracht 111, Utrecht

Characteristic of the City of Utrecht are its historic wharf cellars.
These cellars are located at the level of the canal and used to serve as canal-side storage spaces for commodities. These days, they accommodate restaurants and small shops. Klein Fresenburg (Little Fresenburg) also has one of these wharf cellars where a wine importer is located. This house was built in 1569 and was restored in 1926.