KLM オランダ航空 デルフト ブルーハウス No.51

¥1,800 (税込)
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Tag :
Cate: No.41 - No.60 / Regular model / 商品



KLM オランダ航空 Delft Blue House No.51のモデルになった家の詳細情報

Voorstraat 49

Franeker is one of the cities included in the famous Eleven-City Tour, a 200-kilometre skating race on natural ice that goes through eleven cities in Friesland.
Voorstraat used to be a canal. The building at no. 49 has a Friesian neck gable dated from 1662. The house, which was once one of the professors’ houses (from 1588 to 1811 Franeker had a university), is crowned by an owl, the symbol of wisdom.